Thursday, December 17, 2009

Low-light Sd-camcorder

De Profundis

La sensazione confortevole del vestire un maglione che hai sformato tu. La profonda, ingestibile felicità del ritrovare quella stoffa così intima, e le mille domande che riaffiorano quando lo indossi per pochi secondi... e ti chiedi perchè mai l'hai regalato a qualcun altro.

Monday, December 14, 2009

How Do You Get Rid Of Simple Goiter


I bilanci si fanno ogni giorno", diceva ieri mio padre nel giorno della sua 55esima candelina, ed è una cosa da persona saggia.
Dallo scorso 14 dicembre sono evolute molte cose, molte si sono aggiunte e solo qualcuna è sbiadita. Le persone che hanno popolato le mie giornate in Francia popolano adesso half of Europe, my memories and my FB profile.
friendship has evolved slowly and fantasy, becoming what they've been holding: the certainty that it was not a masked amorucolo but really something great in the making. Even when I was the only one to believe, the only one to have certainty, to costruirsele. But life becomes so great.
The added value of this is that I know I'm capable of doing by concrete pylon at times when I would not be, when everything around them falls apart and I let go too. Of the gifts is not easy to manage well does not ever thank Heaven.

In general, however, the picture that comes out of these 12 months (18 aircraft taken approximately 10 test data, 9 months of Erasmus, 7-8 pounds lost 6 months of the investment that is harder, I stayed in 5 States, 2 hyper-roommates, a happy family) is a continuous light, built and kept burning in spite of their stubborn when I felt like a candle in the wind.

probably the first words that I utter at midnight will have to deal with some disgusting skin disease, but will be given to people who love me and there is always room for tea, coffee and laughter.
Because no place is away until you're not allow it to have at least a hundred people who hug me at midnight.

Ale, Bea e 895820757575839 trilioni di calorie condensate in una torta buonissima

And who knows what I'll have time to combine the first quarter of a century.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Where To Buy Denman Brushes

white paper

A paper clip to hold all the previous pages, all cancel grooves, errors and ears to the pages. Not even a tear: they are all a bit 'yellow.
The scent of fresh white paper, binding, which creaks like a kiss.
The first drop of ink, what it feels like an insult to every page, this time I see it already in prospect is the beginning of a story already started but not yet told.

Once upon a time, say one day.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Big Boobs And Vajinas

Biennale Art School: Courses Academic Year 2009-2010

Corsi di:

  • Drawing and Painting (Teacher: Massimo Nesti)

  • School of Nude (Teacher: Massimo Nesti)

  • History (Teacher: Andrea Bozzi)

  • engraving techniques (Teacher: Claudio Candelaresi)

  • Graphics and Illustration (Teacher: Massimo Nesti)

  • Comics (Teacher: Massimo Nesti)

program Painting Course is designed to learn the practice of art through drawing copy, and the figure from life with the availability of model and living through knowledge and correct use of techniques, with academic knowledge for the development of 'work with the traditional rules of painting.

Courses are valid for the acquisition of credit points for the training of students of all levels.

All courses are supplemented by lectures with the help of a collection of texts and videotapes viewed by the participants.

The Association relies on the collaboration of artists, researchers and teachers of schools of art, fine arts academies and universities, the authors of qualifying industry experience.

at former school Lorenzini
via Campanella, 2-60015 Falconara M. (AN)

For Info:

  • Management Course: 338 1881584

  • Artemisia Gallery: 071 9175795

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Can You Upgrade A Celeron To Dual Core

The tale of the beautiful Maya - ten days in San Francisco

Bay orange is still asleep in his wet blanket while the wheels of the flight DL 68 are detached from the track and fall into the belly of the plane to do not disturb too much the clouds below. The pen-strictly government-dance on the paper to tell in that strange way I miss San Francisco, and while flying over the Pacific.
On the roads, the pier, the historic tram of the strange and wonderful walking city more homeless who do not know what to do with their bones than businesses: even in the Financial District this perennial crowd of walkers ever-dignified despite the madness on
she was poverty-spectator 's insane happiness that enveloped us as the fog does with the Golden Bridge.
Unveiling the city in all its unevenness you have a way of speaking, with wonder, to regain breath, recognize and match: for these things are fundamental to the F line, the coconut shrimp at Bubba's, the seafood risotto L'Ideal and turkey Tommy's Joint.
Fish and chips to the market, the Japanese soup and fried crab from China, as a bad idea at all, they put to the test 'in good times and bad I know
rte' just because, you know, you never know ... :-)

Ten days in one city may seem too many, and instead a couple of more must be put into account because you really never know: Go and imagine that the churches are closed on Sundays, or it happens that the fog did not lift from Ocean Beach and then you're screwed. Nothing remains that set foot two blocks farther on the sky is blue in the most blinding the sun, as if to remind you that ultimately you are in California, the cool breeze with the warm sun is a gift not only for tourists, but especially for the homeless who can finally sleep without shivering.

Never had so much blue around like these days in the bay, and never need much less: in a couple of inches square was surrounded by all the blue that is close to my heart.
I had been warned by the cold wind and green scarf oil Alessandra has admirably plugged drafts that my human shield was unable to cover with a hug: it is thanks to him that the hot side of the city prevailed over the humiliating scenes of old people rummaging in the garbage. Its close and its small gestures reminded me of how much care is in the world where he puts his hand, and is a world that I would keep.
No one else would spend hours watching the sea lions with me, filled my suitcase
federal pen, toured museums and aquariums every day, share a cigarillos vanilla, complying with their culinary experiments less digestible concealed the fact of suffering from seasickness to look for whales to me. But above all, would not let many people carte blanche to organize a trip from behind his back, and do not see any like that that makes me feel like a flower.

Soon I land in Rome and wrote this post in San Francisco, Georgia and Lazio want them
was so telling of the various districts of the city more full of bougainvilleas the world of skyscrapers downtown and Chinatown, North Beach, where the boot is on the light poles, the Haight-Ashbury hippies and its residues, the Castro and its excesses, and his memories of Mission, the Marina and its rich tranquility, but to claim that Post a walk with our pace is a bit 'too much, and a boring chronicle not suitable for this trip was to the current high-voltage batteries. I cleared the sky by ghosts lived there, like the wind with the pillars of the Golden Bridge.
custody of a heart orange and clear, although here the track 12 of Tiburtina no one cares. I know that once she got home there are those who see this happiness shining on my face.

Thank you, am ... Andre. :-)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Viral Infections And Night Terrors

Some photos of the exhibition of Eric Gallmetzer!

Artemisia Gallery view from the road

a moment of the inauguration

the artist Eric Gallmetzer

the artist with the curators of the exhibition

la sala principale della Galleria

la seconda sala della Galleria

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why Do I Look Fatter When I Get My Period

Energy Award 2009 Terna

Gent.mi amici di Artemisia,

Stefano Tonti è presente al Premio Terna 2009 con la seguente opera: Energia , 2009 cm60x30, olio e smalti su tavola.

Se l'opera è di Vs. gradimento vi preghiamo di votarla al seguente link:

Grazie e a presto!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How Does Exercise Burn Calories

In Over My Head

Enough ...

Monday, September 14, 2009

How To Get A Ballista In Mount And Blade

exhibition ERIC Gallmetzer

sabato 19 settembre 2009
ore 17.30

tutti i giorni
domenica pomeriggio closed Mondays and

The exhibition dedicated to Eric Gallmetzer illustrates the path of the young artist Bolzano, who now lives in the Marches, his adopted land, which is distinguished by a poetic attentive to the values \u200b\u200bof artistic creation. The creative act is derived from a meditation on the Platonic archetypes, and is met by synthetic sculptural forms, documented by an extensive and accurate apparatus designed. Gallmetzer then chooses the hills of the Marches as a privileged instrument for developing a poetics that develops and converts the previous experiences as an author of important territory Adige works of public art and urban environmental influences blending to a personal critical perspective. This exhibition aims to highlight the author's most recent journey through a novel and original thematic setting that identifies the stages of this complex and layered process starting from the quotation from primordial forms of heads, reminiscent of their balls and solid Euclidean geometry and reminiscences Pythagorean up to a more complex and intimate definition of man, by the "form of the Mirror of the sarcophagus. Particular attention will be paid to the documentation itself understood as a continuous and uninterrupted journey to the deep reasons of the research that the artist makes the definition of his work, not the result of mere aesthetic suggestion but a total investment in the craft of art.
The exhibition, curated by Silvia Bartolini and Andrea Bozzi, expires Sunday, October 18, 2009.

you can admire some works of Eric Gallmetzer visiting your site

Poptropica Time Tangled Gunpowder


dear friends,
Welcome to our new blog!

from now on here you will find all the news that concern us.

to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwho we are, what we are dealing with and what were our activities in the past , please visit our website

thanks for your attention and see you soon!

Monday, September 7, 2009

25 Pair Cable Diameter

A coffee a day together

It also wanted two. They are 5 years to meet you once a day is one of my greatest desires. I have tried in every way to not force the city of your choice university, even if it could not have done, but I always hoped you listen to your heart.
And now, with two subjects to be addressed, a deposit to be cleared, and the desire to help you with your first steps matricolina hope to widen my days, in order to enjoy most of what I've been waiting for years.
My sister in the Grand Duchy (and also in the district). That's cool!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Are Combi Boilers Reliable

La vie en violet - a year in Erasmus

No word is the right one to begin with, but this time I'll make a little picky.

I return from one year to annealing, still confused, still trying to catch his breath.
game I was convinced to write only, and France, however, this has also deleted something, or my habit of giving things for granted. To assume that everything will be fine for strength. This kind of growth does not come for free: Learn how to conquer everything outpost to outpost me the serenity empty set by default in my brain.
I put the bags in my room on campus anchored to a vision en rose all. When I started calling with the correct name (niche), the hitherto small chouette chambre, lì ho capito che qualcosa stava cambiando. Che io stavo cambiando.
I francesi non sono tipicamente stronzi, sono stronzi e basta. Il primo mese non capisci niente quindi ti rodi il fegato e non puoi nemmeno rispondere. Il gusto buonissimo delle sfuriate en langue dei mesi successivi non ha prezzo... e parlo sia di quelle fatte - segreteria studenti, specializzandi, studenti di secondo anno, ferrista- che di quelle incassate -neo strutturato di pneumologia, ferrista.
The hospital life was the main dream of the year, two months at a time: Pneumo difficult beginning, superlative Cardiac Surgery, prosciugante ER, relaxing Plastic Surgery. Almost forgot, the smezzato blue dress just put it in that you feel more sexy lingerie lace was worth the whole Erasmus.
exams ... the worst nightmare. The Erasmus of Medicine there are more responsibilities as other students, but some law less. Had this been known at the beginning there would be organized differently.

If it were not for people who have beaten the streets, quais and c rêperies of Toulouse with me this year would have been a living hell.
The names are those that live in the photos that fill hard-disk and FB profile, some actually written in bold: Robert, Esther, Valentina, Maria, Sancho, Clem, Dodji. And Sebastien, Alberto, Clarisse, Silvain. Alessandra, the My companion for adventure and new roommate. And Andrew, my bet most unexpected and great.
Without them, it would be a year of woe.
Grim, despite Toulouse alone I have stolen a corner of the heart and keep it with him, in the narrow streets scented flowers in the flower beds, in quiet cafe in the flags of the Capitole, the Church of Dominicains, in the rooms the CCU, in lines and subway stops - Pharmacie, Carmes, Patte d'Oie and Roseraie. In the operating rooms of Cardio.

Il 1° ottobre dello scorso anno scrivevo:

P er me, che non cercavo il Paese di Bengodi ma volevo inventarmi un modo per crescere come medico, questa Francia va infilata come un camice. All'inizio vai in giro tronfio, poi per buona parte del tempo ti chiedi come si porti addosso. Arriverà il momento in cui questo camice sarà una seconda pelle.
Questo Erasmus ha un sapore molto meno festaiolo di quello che leggo nelle mail che mi arrivano ogni giorno dalla Spagna. Ma lo sapevo, e va benissimo così.
here ... here's my challenge, and I will not leave the arena until I won, how difficult it is.

are allocated from the arena Friday, exhausted and with a lot of stress for disposal. But, gentlemen, I won. And in retrospect, the effort and the memories of that then I was not at all obvious.
The cool thing about it is that I will not let anything less strong only dare to think I could break down.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why Does My Stomach Stick In In The Middle

domande frequenti sul L.P.A. laboratorio permanente dell'attore

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT PERMANENT LABORATORY ACTOR Question: What is PERMANENT LABORATORY OF THE ACTOR (LPA)? Answer: The LPA is a drama school where we study methods and techniques and prepare students who wish to practice as an actor or at least develop a path through the theater of human and cultural growth. Question: Who are the teachers of the LPA? Answer: Antonio Caruso and Donald Maru. Antonio Caruso is an actor, writer and director as well as teacher with over twenty years experience teaching acting. Messina, classe '67. Inizia il suo percorso legato al teatro formandosi tecnicamente alla Scuola di avviamento allo spettacolo del Teatro Stabile di Catania (1989-1991). Decide di dedicare la propria professione all'attività di ricerca nella didattica teatrale (inizialmente per le scuole statali - dal 1988 ad oggi, ha curato più di cento laboratori di recitazione per gli studenti, ottenendo importanti riconoscimenti e premi - poi per gli enti di formazione professionale, curando personalmente l'organizzazione e la direzione dei corsi di recitazione. Nel 1991 il suo personale viaggio nella scrittura teatrale. Autore impegnato, dal 1993 al 1996 partecipa a diverse manifestazioni, organizzate dalla “fondazione Falcone” e dal “coordinamento antimafia” Palermo, with works of civil commitment: "Motivation," "Anagrams," "Anti-Mafia thanks you ..."," Far away screaming. " From 1997 to 2003 his career on track by copyright trip comedy with content, "Unknown until dawn" (world premiere at "Taormina Arte" in the theater, directed by Giorgio Albertazzi and then replicated in Sicily and Rome) "Matches," "The drammaturgido. The writing style of this period saw the attempt to combine a language with strong themes always brilliant in the wake of that commitment and social culture that has pervaded the profession. Attempt to repeat successfully in two monologues: "Teresa" (1999) "What day is it?" (2000). His career switch from writing to teaching, directed by actor activity. As a director, as well as sign the direction of many of his works, texts stages of Pirandello, Brecht, Shakespeare, De Filippo, Aristophanes, Gogol, Verga. In its educational activities, among others point out, the City-lab "The Actor at the center of the theater system" organized by the city of Catania in 2000. In 2003 he held a seminar on the actor at the Faculty of Education of Catania teamed with actor Flavio Insinna. In 2007 by the design and direction Art of the "Proskenion Dionysos", a manifestation of classical theater organized in the province of Catania. He currently teaches acting at the International Musical Academy of Catania. Donatella Maru, Gela, class '73. Move the first steps with the theatrical training course organized by the "Company Scalo Dittaino theater, taking part in works like" The king dies "by Ionesco. Theatrical experience combines his many interests, social and cultural - from journalism courses in archeology, the stage of Indian dance and contemporary socio-up animation for children. Since 1997, the league's way of life and work and with which Antonio Caruso signature and artistic partnership of intent in the common vision of the theater thinking. From '97 to now directs the laboratory along with Caruso school education theatrical engagement on three hundred sixty degrees - a professor of phonetics and diction, acting, set design, costume. Takes part in the theater as an actress in several works signed by Caruso, among which: "Cavalleria Rusticana" (97), "Siciliano Triptych" (98), "Canvas and Commedia dell'Arte" (98), "People end century "(99)," So you (if you like) "(2003)," The drammaturgido "(2004)," The cap and bells "(2005). Also as an actress inter alia, to take part in "Souls" (2002), "the happiness of others" (2002), "Isabel" (2003), "Romeo and Juliet" (2003). Intense aiutoregia its activities, set designer, costume designer and stage director in the works signed by Caruso among which are: "Unknown until dawn" (1998 edition and 2004), "Men ashes and funny mysteries" (2000), " A Song for Donna Aldonza "(2000)," Dinner "(2001)," The drammaturgido "(2002)," The Birds "(2002)," Matches "(2003)," So is (if you please) " (2003), "Teresa" (2004), "Inspector General" (2005), "Think about Jack" (2007), "Dreamcity" (2007), "Two steps from hell" (2008), "One" - from Chorus Line (2008 ). But his activities behind the scenes is not merely the work signed by Antonio Caruso. In the period 2000-2003 conducts aiutoregia, lighting design and stage manager in shows signed by Federica Di Bella ("Medium", 2000 - "Angelica", 2000), signed works by Mark Longo ("Centopiùcinquanta, 2001) , and "Romeo and Juliet" directed by Rosario Minardi. Occasional dip even cinema ("History of a blackcap" - directed by F. Zeffirelli) and television ("Lab 5" - Mediaset, texts by A. Caruso). He currently teaches diction and phonetics at professional training facilities in the province of Catania. Question: What do you study? Answer: acting techniques, methods of approach to the character, supervision of a professional actor in a social context, ethics and aesthetics of the actor. In short, a lot of theory and practice a lot. Question: Where will the meetings take place? Answer: the socio-cultural center "Free Entry" of the ARCI in the Air Mauritius via Ascoli 30 at Gela. Question: How long does the laboratory?
Risposta: Per questo primo anno il periodo di lezioni va da marzo a giugno con probabile sosta nei mesi di luglio e agosto e ripresa a settembre fino a dicembre. Per un totale di otto mesi. Dal prossimo anno, le lezioni inizieranno a gennaio. Ogni allievo può decidere sulla base del proprio sentire per quanto tempo frequentare il laboratorio-scuola (la base minima di partecipazione è di quattro mesi, poi può proseguire per otto mesi, o prolungare per più anni). In buona sostanza decide l'allievo quando è il momento di interrompere il rapporto di studio all'interno del Laboratorio permanente dell'attore. Gli insegnanti ovviamente consiglieranno sulla base delle singole necessità.

Domanda: Si rilascia attestato?
Risposta: Si, frequency for the period studied and can actually be used for all normal uses of the law. It has the value of most of the certificates in this field. Almost all drama schools issue a certificate or diploma has no value because the artistic quality does not show that you're good or you're an actor, but simply identifies your training. Question: When are appointments? Answer: In general, the chosen dates are: Saturday from 15.30 to 18.30 and on Monday from 19.00 to 22.00. in the case of a large number of students will decide for the formation of a new course in hours and days to be agreed. Question: Are there limits of age? And children can participate? Answer: Yes Maximum age 30, minimum age 16. For children, enrollment will have to sign the parent who accompanies him. In all cases and for particular conditions can be waived at the discretion of the organization to the maximum and minimum limits. Question: Can I attend the lessons to be mere spectators without participating as students? Answer: There will be agreed and communicated to the public of the days when you can attend classes. Question: How do I sign up? Answer: Call the numbers 095.8202628, 347.5768457, 340.9386652 or send an email to and leave a phone number, cell phone, email to be contacted for a meeting and an interview. Subsequently, if the interview will give satisfactory results, you will fill out forms with registration and payment of fees. Question: Permanent attended by students from the Laboratory of the Actor's costs? Answer: Yes Students must apply for membership to the Cultural and Theatrical Group Icarus and will pay an initial fee and monthly fees. The registration fee is € 100.00 while the share to be paid to participate mesilate is € 80.00. Question: When and how payments are made of the shares? Answer: At the beginning of each months of study. The first month you pay registration and monthly. At the discretion of the student can pay as monthly installments in advance. If for personal reasons had to stop the activity of LPA in the study will be required to surrender allowances for the months not attended. The student who does not wish to continue beyond the compulsory phase of four months is required to disclose before the start of the fifth month of study for its decision. Question: realizzaranno shows? Answer: Yes, if and when teachers deem the students in a position to participate. In case of realization of performance-wise you may request students to share additional expenses for construction wise. In any case, will be communicated promptly by the organization. Question: Completion of the study period that you have the possibility to enter the world of work in the show? Answer: It depends on the skill of the person who has completed his studies. This form school subjects and puts them in a position to evaluate themselves and what they want to be professionally in life. There is a misinterpretation of drama schools. There is no school who is the actors. Actor is a lifestyle choice rather than a profession. It is not like an employee who ended his hours of work back home and forget everything. What can be learned in a school is always a small part of what every professional stage learn through the experience of the stage and his desire to learn - for life - and always seek new and different ways. In short, everyone who chooses to be an artist. Here, a school, a good school can give you the right tools and creates the right conditions to understand that being an artist. GELA, 04/02/2009 By organizing the learning laboratory LPA actor.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fisherman's Village Playa Del Carmen Sell


start with. Were sent out press releases ... soon the printing material. Gela We chose to give life to the claimant permanent laboratory for several reasons. The first affection that binds us to the city (Kathleen, my wife and I Gela I breathed through her and her family a sense true, beautiful and positive belonging to the city. I speak of belonging without hysteria and radicalism. Membership, bond. As what often holds together the Sicilians to their land. Second reason: the need for cultural and artistic activities that this city - whose name circulates outside Sicily often for situations not exactly uplifting - was in her womb. Immediately evident the enormous artistic, cultural and archaeological heritage that the city owns. At this heritage often was not put together a real cultural movement - and theater in particular. Like many other cities, Gela suffering as well as internal problems including the proximity to great centers of Sicily and this attention has shifted elsewhere that could be geographically concentrated. Third reason: it is a gamble. It would in some ways easier to organize such a situation in Catania - for years I did and still do - but we have jointly decided to bet its the difficulties that such an event in such a city can give. We are an association created to combine the professional theater and acting with social commitment. Although the reasons for organizing the workshop are born from the marriage between the profession and its relationship with society. During the lessons you do not speak only of techniques and methods but also the value of a profession, ethics, principles and requirements for our modern society to have a professional of some kind. Of course, this discussion can lead us out of the theater and be valid for any kind of profession. Embee? Better that way. The theater people can not afford to live in their closed without magic bubble groped to establish contact with the reality that they live every day (and stopped to observe it with detachment from the stage). Otherwise they would not have done theater. What do you say?

Monday, February 2, 2009

How To Kill Hair Roots At Home

stage di gennaio...una boccata di aria buona (anche se rintanati in casa)

begins a new adventure - see news below - and we comment the old adventures. Old, so to speak, because that goes back exactly one month ago. The experience of intensive workshop had been living with the enthusiasm it deserved already last summer. So in January of this other could have the flavor of the already seen. It did not happen. Would you like for different subjects, either by the different reactions of different people (even if there was a participant of the summer internship), or because the first had lived around outdoors (beach, sea, etc ....) And January of this all at home - like prisoners ... The fact is that even as this the previous stage has given us a remarkable breath of fresh air to purify the miasma of daily fact of sadness, meanness and the like. Those who chose a profession like ours in the way we live it, is ill-suited to everyday life where words like ethics, passion, imagination, capacity has been omitted from the dictionary. Unable to "guide" appropriately to the feelings experienced at that Roccazzelle 2 to 7 January. And maybe there should not even try to do it. Those good feelings, made up of young people who believe and put to the test with the pure purpose of discovering something more than if, without charts, without competition, but with the energy of the encounter between human beings ... we tenercele in Complex Our hearts and our minds. They help us to return to everyday life in a spirit of combative and full of plans. To all of you leave a few photos - which explains nothing ... because there is nothing to explain.

Matchsticks For Model Making


Registration is now open to take part in studies for the year 2009 of the Permanent Workshop of the actor. The laboratory is designed and organized by the cultural and theatrical ICARUS GROUP of Catania, and is the first of a series of dramatic initiatives that will be presented in coming months in the territory of Gela ICARUS Group. The laboratory was established with the intention of creating the impetus to start a process of re-cognition in relation to a profession and passion. Sarà uno spazio dedicato alla formazione e all'informazione sul mestiere dell'attore. Nel corso delle lezioni si parlerà di tecniche e metodi recitativi ma particolare attenzione sarà prestata allo sviluppo di tematiche legate all'etica dell'attore e al rapporto tra attore e società moderna. Questo laboratorio vuol far vedere ai giovani allievi anche l'altra faccia dell'attore, il suo impegno e la funzione sociale che potrebbe e dovrebbe avere, portavoce di messaggi importanti per il solo fatto di essere soggetto-oggetto di comunicazione privilegiata (sopra un palco e con una platea a disposizione). In una società che attraversa troppo velocemente grandi cambiamenti, che tende a banalizzare, globalizzare, sintetizzare, semplificare...vittima del tempo produttivo e del successo ad ogni costo, recuperare anche i significati più alti di questo mestiere, quelli legati alla passione civile, alla passione per il contatto con la gente e consapevolezza di un ruolo, può solo far del bene alle generazioni che volendosi avvicinare a questo mestiere rimangono il più delle volte abbagliate dalle immagini incomplete e vuote provenienti dai media. Il laboratorio permanente dell'attore avrà inizio nel mese di marzo e proseguirà per tutto l'anno con interruzione nei mesi estivi. Potranno partecipare giovani di età compresa tra i 16 e i 30 anni, previo colloquio con i docenti. Gli interessati non dovranno necessariamente avere precedenti esperienze professionali ma attitudine e volontà di studio currencies that are in the interview. There is no maximum number of accessions, which is why the organizers reserve the possibility of forming more than one class of participants. For the first phase will be two appointments per week. Each meeting will last at least three hours. Curators of the workshop will be Anthony Caruso (actor, writer, director with over twenty years of experience in acting) and Donatella Maru (actress, and expert education play). The association ICARUS GROUP also announced that in the coming months will be offered a course in diction and phonetic writing course and a theater. The lessons of the PERMANENT ACTOR WORKSHOP will be held in Gela on the premises of the ARCI, THE CLOUDS socio-cultural center "free" via Maurizio Ascoli 30. More information and registration: 095.8202628 - 347.5768457 - 340.9386652. Or you can send a message send e-mail at: - \u200b\ Notes curriculum Antonio Caruso: Messina, class '67. He began his career tied to the technical format theater at the School of starting the show of the Teatro Stabile di Catania (1989-1991). Actor, writer and director, decided to dedicate his profession to research in teaching theater (originally for state schools - since 1988, has treated more than one hundred laboratories acting for students, obtaining important awards - then for the training institutions, taking care personally of the organization and direction of the acting classes. In 1991, his personal choice in theatrical writing. Author undertook, from 1993 to 1996 participated in several events organized by the "foundation Falcone" and "coordination mafia in Palermo, with works of civil commitment:" Motivation, "" Anagrams, "" Anti-Mafia thanks you ... "" Far the screams. " From 1997 to 2003 his career on track by copyright travel comedy with content, "Unknown until dawn" (world premiere in “Taormina Arte” nella sezione teatro diretta da Giorgio Albertazzi e poi replicato in Sicilia e a Roma), “Cerini”, “Il drammaturgido”. Lo stile di scrittura di questo periodo vede il tentativo di coniugare un linguaggio brillante con forti tematiche sempre sulla scia di quell'impegno sociale e culturale che ha pervaso tutta l'attività professionale. Tentativo riuscito sia nelle opere già citate che in due monologhi: “Teresa” (1999) “Che giorno è?” (2000). La sua attività professionale passa dalla scrittura all'insegnamento, dalla regia all'attività attoriale. Dal 1995 al 2003 lega la sua attività a quelle del Centro Magma di Catania, interpretando opere as "People of the century", "Belvedere" (Joseph Mazzone), "the happiness of others", "Isabel" (texts by A. Gide). As a director, as well as sign the direction of many of his works, texts stages of Pirandello, Brecht, Shakespeare, De Filippo, Aristophanes, Gogol, Verga. In its educational activities, among others point out, the City-lab "The Actor at the center of the theater system" organized by the city of Catania in 2000. In 2003 he held a seminar on the actor at the Faculty of Education of Catania teamed with actor Flavio Insinna. In 2007, by the conception and artistic direction of "Proskenion Dionysos" manifestation of classical theater organized in the province of Catania. He currently teaches acting at the International Musical Academy of Catania. Donatella Marù: Gela, class '73. Move the first steps with the theatrical training course organized by the "theater company Dittaino airport, taking part in works like" The king dies "by Ionesco. Theatrical experience combines his many interests, social and cultural - from journalism courses in archeology, the stage of Indian dance and contemporary socio-up animation for children. Since 1997, the league's way of life and work and with which Antonio Caruso signature and artistic partnership of intent in a common vision del pensiero teatrale. Dal '97 ad oggi dirige assieme a Caruso i laboratori scuola di educazione teatrale svolgendo attività a trecentosessanta gradi – docente di dizione e fonetica, recitazione, scenografia, costume. In teatro prende parte ocme attrice a diversi lavori firmati da Caruso, tra i quali ricordiamo: “Cavalleria Rusticana” (97), “Trittico Siciliano” (98), “Canovacci dalla commedia dell'arte” (98), “Gente di fine secolo” (99), “Così è (se vi pare)” (2003), “Il drammaturgido” (2004), “Il berretto a sonagli” (2005). Sempre come attrice prende parte tra l'altro a “Anime” (2002), "The happiness of others" (2002), "Isabel" (2003), "Romeo and Juliet" (2003). Intense aiutoregia its activities, set designer, costume designer and stage director in the works signed by Caruso among which are: "Unknown until dawn" (1998 edition and 2004), "Men ashes and funny mysteries" (2000), " A Song for Donna Aldonza "(2000)," Dinner "(2001)," The drammaturgido "(2002)," The Birds "(2002)," Matches "(2003)," So is (if you please) " (2003), "Teresa" (2004), "Inspector General" (2005), “Pensaci Giacomino” (2007), “Dreamcity” (2007), “A due passi dall'inferno” (2008), “One” – da Chorus Line (2008). Ma la sua attività dietro le quinte non si esaurisce nei lavori firmati da Antonio Caruso. Nel periodo 2000-2003 svolge attività di aiutoregia , disegno luci e direttore di scena in spettacoli firmati da Federica Di Bella (“Medium”, 2000 – “Angelica”, 2000), in lavori firmati da Marco Longo (“Centopiùcinquanta”, 2001), e nel “Romeo e Giulietta” per la regia di Rosario Minardi. Importanti anche le realizzazioni scenografiche e di costumi per spettacoli. Qualche sporadico dip also in cinema ("History of a blackcap" - directed by F. Zeffirelli) and television ("Lab 5" - Mediaset, texts by A. Caruso). He currently teaches diction and phonetics at professional training facilities in the province of Catania.