Monday, September 14, 2009

How To Get A Ballista In Mount And Blade

exhibition ERIC Gallmetzer

sabato 19 settembre 2009
ore 17.30

tutti i giorni
domenica pomeriggio closed Mondays and

The exhibition dedicated to Eric Gallmetzer illustrates the path of the young artist Bolzano, who now lives in the Marches, his adopted land, which is distinguished by a poetic attentive to the values \u200b\u200bof artistic creation. The creative act is derived from a meditation on the Platonic archetypes, and is met by synthetic sculptural forms, documented by an extensive and accurate apparatus designed. Gallmetzer then chooses the hills of the Marches as a privileged instrument for developing a poetics that develops and converts the previous experiences as an author of important territory Adige works of public art and urban environmental influences blending to a personal critical perspective. This exhibition aims to highlight the author's most recent journey through a novel and original thematic setting that identifies the stages of this complex and layered process starting from the quotation from primordial forms of heads, reminiscent of their balls and solid Euclidean geometry and reminiscences Pythagorean up to a more complex and intimate definition of man, by the "form of the Mirror of the sarcophagus. Particular attention will be paid to the documentation itself understood as a continuous and uninterrupted journey to the deep reasons of the research that the artist makes the definition of his work, not the result of mere aesthetic suggestion but a total investment in the craft of art.
The exhibition, curated by Silvia Bartolini and Andrea Bozzi, expires Sunday, October 18, 2009.

you can admire some works of Eric Gallmetzer visiting your site


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