Monday, February 2, 2009

How To Kill Hair Roots At Home

stage di gennaio...una boccata di aria buona (anche se rintanati in casa)

begins a new adventure - see news below - and we comment the old adventures. Old, so to speak, because that goes back exactly one month ago. The experience of intensive workshop had been living with the enthusiasm it deserved already last summer. So in January of this other could have the flavor of the already seen. It did not happen. Would you like for different subjects, either by the different reactions of different people (even if there was a participant of the summer internship), or because the first had lived around outdoors (beach, sea, etc ....) And January of this all at home - like prisoners ... The fact is that even as this the previous stage has given us a remarkable breath of fresh air to purify the miasma of daily fact of sadness, meanness and the like. Those who chose a profession like ours in the way we live it, is ill-suited to everyday life where words like ethics, passion, imagination, capacity has been omitted from the dictionary. Unable to "guide" appropriately to the feelings experienced at that Roccazzelle 2 to 7 January. And maybe there should not even try to do it. Those good feelings, made up of young people who believe and put to the test with the pure purpose of discovering something more than if, without charts, without competition, but with the energy of the encounter between human beings ... we tenercele in Complex Our hearts and our minds. They help us to return to everyday life in a spirit of combative and full of plans. To all of you leave a few photos - which explains nothing ... because there is nothing to explain.


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