Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why Does My Stomach Stick In In The Middle

domande frequenti sul L.P.A. laboratorio permanente dell'attore

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT PERMANENT LABORATORY ACTOR Question: What is PERMANENT LABORATORY OF THE ACTOR (LPA)? Answer: The LPA is a drama school where we study methods and techniques and prepare students who wish to practice as an actor or at least develop a path through the theater of human and cultural growth. Question: Who are the teachers of the LPA? Answer: Antonio Caruso and Donald Maru. Antonio Caruso is an actor, writer and director as well as teacher with over twenty years experience teaching acting. Messina, classe '67. Inizia il suo percorso legato al teatro formandosi tecnicamente alla Scuola di avviamento allo spettacolo del Teatro Stabile di Catania (1989-1991). Decide di dedicare la propria professione all'attività di ricerca nella didattica teatrale (inizialmente per le scuole statali - dal 1988 ad oggi, ha curato più di cento laboratori di recitazione per gli studenti, ottenendo importanti riconoscimenti e premi - poi per gli enti di formazione professionale, curando personalmente l'organizzazione e la direzione dei corsi di recitazione. Nel 1991 il suo personale viaggio nella scrittura teatrale. Autore impegnato, dal 1993 al 1996 partecipa a diverse manifestazioni, organizzate dalla “fondazione Falcone” e dal “coordinamento antimafia” Palermo, with works of civil commitment: "Motivation," "Anagrams," "Anti-Mafia thanks you ..."," Far away screaming. " From 1997 to 2003 his career on track by copyright trip comedy with content, "Unknown until dawn" (world premiere at "Taormina Arte" in the theater, directed by Giorgio Albertazzi and then replicated in Sicily and Rome) "Matches," "The drammaturgido. The writing style of this period saw the attempt to combine a language with strong themes always brilliant in the wake of that commitment and social culture that has pervaded the profession. Attempt to repeat successfully in two monologues: "Teresa" (1999) "What day is it?" (2000). His career switch from writing to teaching, directed by actor activity. As a director, as well as sign the direction of many of his works, texts stages of Pirandello, Brecht, Shakespeare, De Filippo, Aristophanes, Gogol, Verga. In its educational activities, among others point out, the City-lab "The Actor at the center of the theater system" organized by the city of Catania in 2000. In 2003 he held a seminar on the actor at the Faculty of Education of Catania teamed with actor Flavio Insinna. In 2007 by the design and direction Art of the "Proskenion Dionysos", a manifestation of classical theater organized in the province of Catania. He currently teaches acting at the International Musical Academy of Catania. Donatella Maru, Gela, class '73. Move the first steps with the theatrical training course organized by the "Company Scalo Dittaino theater, taking part in works like" The king dies "by Ionesco. Theatrical experience combines his many interests, social and cultural - from journalism courses in archeology, the stage of Indian dance and contemporary socio-up animation for children. Since 1997, the league's way of life and work and with which Antonio Caruso signature and artistic partnership of intent in the common vision of the theater thinking. From '97 to now directs the laboratory along with Caruso school education theatrical engagement on three hundred sixty degrees - a professor of phonetics and diction, acting, set design, costume. Takes part in the theater as an actress in several works signed by Caruso, among which: "Cavalleria Rusticana" (97), "Siciliano Triptych" (98), "Canvas and Commedia dell'Arte" (98), "People end century "(99)," So you (if you like) "(2003)," The drammaturgido "(2004)," The cap and bells "(2005). Also as an actress inter alia, to take part in "Souls" (2002), "the happiness of others" (2002), "Isabel" (2003), "Romeo and Juliet" (2003). Intense aiutoregia its activities, set designer, costume designer and stage director in the works signed by Caruso among which are: "Unknown until dawn" (1998 edition and 2004), "Men ashes and funny mysteries" (2000), " A Song for Donna Aldonza "(2000)," Dinner "(2001)," The drammaturgido "(2002)," The Birds "(2002)," Matches "(2003)," So is (if you please) " (2003), "Teresa" (2004), "Inspector General" (2005), "Think about Jack" (2007), "Dreamcity" (2007), "Two steps from hell" (2008), "One" - from Chorus Line (2008 ). But his activities behind the scenes is not merely the work signed by Antonio Caruso. In the period 2000-2003 conducts aiutoregia, lighting design and stage manager in shows signed by Federica Di Bella ("Medium", 2000 - "Angelica", 2000), signed works by Mark Longo ("Centopiùcinquanta, 2001) , and "Romeo and Juliet" directed by Rosario Minardi. Occasional dip even cinema ("History of a blackcap" - directed by F. Zeffirelli) and television ("Lab 5" - Mediaset, texts by A. Caruso). He currently teaches diction and phonetics at professional training facilities in the province of Catania. Question: What do you study? Answer: acting techniques, methods of approach to the character, supervision of a professional actor in a social context, ethics and aesthetics of the actor. In short, a lot of theory and practice a lot. Question: Where will the meetings take place? Answer: the socio-cultural center "Free Entry" of the ARCI in the Air Mauritius via Ascoli 30 at Gela. Question: How long does the laboratory?
Risposta: Per questo primo anno il periodo di lezioni va da marzo a giugno con probabile sosta nei mesi di luglio e agosto e ripresa a settembre fino a dicembre. Per un totale di otto mesi. Dal prossimo anno, le lezioni inizieranno a gennaio. Ogni allievo può decidere sulla base del proprio sentire per quanto tempo frequentare il laboratorio-scuola (la base minima di partecipazione è di quattro mesi, poi può proseguire per otto mesi, o prolungare per più anni). In buona sostanza decide l'allievo quando è il momento di interrompere il rapporto di studio all'interno del Laboratorio permanente dell'attore. Gli insegnanti ovviamente consiglieranno sulla base delle singole necessità.

Domanda: Si rilascia attestato?
Risposta: Si, frequency for the period studied and can actually be used for all normal uses of the law. It has the value of most of the certificates in this field. Almost all drama schools issue a certificate or diploma has no value because the artistic quality does not show that you're good or you're an actor, but simply identifies your training. Question: When are appointments? Answer: In general, the chosen dates are: Saturday from 15.30 to 18.30 and on Monday from 19.00 to 22.00. in the case of a large number of students will decide for the formation of a new course in hours and days to be agreed. Question: Are there limits of age? And children can participate? Answer: Yes Maximum age 30, minimum age 16. For children, enrollment will have to sign the parent who accompanies him. In all cases and for particular conditions can be waived at the discretion of the organization to the maximum and minimum limits. Question: Can I attend the lessons to be mere spectators without participating as students? Answer: There will be agreed and communicated to the public of the days when you can attend classes. Question: How do I sign up? Answer: Call the numbers 095.8202628, 347.5768457, 340.9386652 or send an email to and leave a phone number, cell phone, email to be contacted for a meeting and an interview. Subsequently, if the interview will give satisfactory results, you will fill out forms with registration and payment of fees. Question: Permanent attended by students from the Laboratory of the Actor's costs? Answer: Yes Students must apply for membership to the Cultural and Theatrical Group Icarus and will pay an initial fee and monthly fees. The registration fee is € 100.00 while the share to be paid to participate mesilate is € 80.00. Question: When and how payments are made of the shares? Answer: At the beginning of each months of study. The first month you pay registration and monthly. At the discretion of the student can pay as monthly installments in advance. If for personal reasons had to stop the activity of LPA in the study will be required to surrender allowances for the months not attended. The student who does not wish to continue beyond the compulsory phase of four months is required to disclose before the start of the fifth month of study for its decision. Question: realizzaranno shows? Answer: Yes, if and when teachers deem the students in a position to participate. In case of realization of performance-wise you may request students to share additional expenses for construction wise. In any case, will be communicated promptly by the organization. Question: Completion of the study period that you have the possibility to enter the world of work in the show? Answer: It depends on the skill of the person who has completed his studies. This form school subjects and puts them in a position to evaluate themselves and what they want to be professionally in life. There is a misinterpretation of drama schools. There is no school who is the actors. Actor is a lifestyle choice rather than a profession. It is not like an employee who ended his hours of work back home and forget everything. What can be learned in a school is always a small part of what every professional stage learn through the experience of the stage and his desire to learn - for life - and always seek new and different ways. In short, everyone who chooses to be an artist. Here, a school, a good school can give you the right tools and creates the right conditions to understand that being an artist. GELA, 04/02/2009 By organizing the learning laboratory LPA actor.


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