Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Stomach Is Upset When I Eat?

extension of the due date of submission of Artemisia partecipazionedel Prize in Saturday, September 25, 2010 Announcement

Following requests received from
the impending expiry of the date of the registration to the ARTEMISIA
BIENNIAL PRIZE 2010, the Organizing Committee, on September 2, 2010,
has approved the extension of the deadline for submitting applications for participation
finally determined for Saturday, September 25, 2010 (starts from the date of postmark

remain unchanged and confirm all
other modes of participation.

We enclose, for those concerned
copy of the notice and the application form.

Below Scribd site and you can view and download the amended notice

Biennale Prize Artemisia - 2010 Invitation and registration form (extension)


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