Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dean Andersson Gain Weight

stars set

The following write it tomorrow.
Or maybe not, at this stage my intimate and serene words I do not need. Who would have thought that Laura would get to thinking about this thing ... From now, only essential words, words that I believe, of which I care about something. And the people accordingly.

Monday, September 13, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Paspalum

: Courses Academic Year 2010-2011

Artemisia The Art Association also organizes year courses in drawing, painting, sculpture, engraving, graphics, illustration and comics. The
presentation will take place Monday October 4, 2010 at 17:00 in the former schools Lorenzini Via Campanella No. 2 in Falconara Marittima. During this initial meeting will explain the educational structure, organization and costs.

  • Course Drawing and Painting

  • School of Nude

  • Course Modeled and Sculpture

  • History of Art

  • Advanced engraving techniques

  • Courses of Graphics and Illustration

  • Course Comics

Also note that from September 13 to 23 hosts the exhibition of the students Artemisia course of the year 2009-2010. The exhibition can be visited in Market Hall (via N. Bixio 53) in Falconara Marittima at the following times: 10:00 to 12:30 and from 17:00 to 19:30.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Things To Know About Scottish Men

Solitude of Prime Numbers

comes a time where you have to understand if an opportunity is lost or won.
I have the numbers to win even without the desired number, when I want.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Stomach Is Upset When I Eat?

extension of the due date of submission of Artemisia partecipazionedel Prize in Saturday, September 25, 2010 Announcement

Following requests received from
the impending expiry of the date of the registration to the ARTEMISIA
BIENNIAL PRIZE 2010, the Organizing Committee, on September 2, 2010,
has approved the extension of the deadline for submitting applications for participation
finally determined for Saturday, September 25, 2010 (starts from the date of postmark

remain unchanged and confirm all
other modes of participation.

We enclose, for those concerned
copy of the notice and the application form.

Below Scribd site and you can view and download the amended notice

Biennale Prize Artemisia - 2010 Invitation and registration form (extension)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Citizens Bank Nh Branches

Dad told me today that on September 2 to 27 years ago in Bagnara there was a storm of thundering those who take their visibility to three meters: Luciano and Gabriella are due to go up to him to avoid Sant'Elia parentame of crashing down the switchbacks that lead to the country. The next day was a perfect day.
The sky then lit the room where I open the photo album of leather. Images
I hit the spots of climbing on the buildings, jasmine and bouganvillae the same place today, and some faces for me out of place in that frame. A lot of people who now have the picture twice my age had fewer wrinkles than me right now, and I'd be able to go back in time Luciano physically in that moment of bliss when watching the love of his life in White advancing towards him, a lanky, bearded pinocchio in a blue lost, lost in something like contemplation.
give as much as I can, everything they have in their possession, life and happiness quel poco che di mio c'è, per fargli rivivere quell'abbaglio proprio oggi.
27 anni sono lunghi come me tra due anni. Sono lunghissimi, sebbene io finga di essere giovane.
Ma, per assurdo, 16 sono più lunghi ancora.

Dalle foto traspare che nessuno pensava che ciascuno di loro fosse un po' Damocle, che queste foto avrebbero reso loro ingiustizia agli occhi del futuro. Di sicuro quella coppia fiduciosa, complice e solida che sorride dal Belvedere di Scilla e buca di felicità la carta lucida non si aspettava così poche occasioni, così pochi sorrisi. Realisticamente, gliene fregava qualcosa del futuro?
Si direbbe però dalle lacrime che sfuggono dagli angoli delle palpebre viola che l'amore non sia something that can stop a lump in my throat, death or separation. I see that there is this curse, this fidelity and this dog's suffering.
The lump in my throat comes to me in not knowing what to wish me to live, if necessary oblivion or something too large to be rejected. But today

hands moving quickly from the keyboard to the album pages, evidence of what is the only thing that can put a bit 'to protect Luciano from all forms of pain, cruel today, it are meeting in its delta fibers. Almost an affront.

did not know that they can not have nothing against the sea and jasmine outside the matrix, against the stupid holy happiness in My mother still shines in the photos, and even now my father's face lights up.