Monday, May 31, 2010

Pier One Locations Near Walden Galleria, Buffalo

FuturDepero - One aspect of the second

Saturday, June 5 18:00 during the afternoons of Art, at the CART Falconara Marittima
Silvia Cuppini and Stefano Tonti opened the exhibition: "FUTURDEPERO - an aspect of the Second Futurism .

In the event Dallari Mark will present his book The Paradox of Collalto.

On the occasion of the centenary of the publication of the Manifesto of Futurist Painting took the limelight of Politeama Chiarella in Turin, the CART - Center for Documentation of Contemporary Art in Falconara M . (AN), in the context of its exhibitions for 2010, sought to schedule a show dedicated to Fortunato Depero entitled "FUTURDEPERO - A SECOND ASPECT OF THE FUTURE".
In particular we want to draw attention to the pubblico, attraverso la presentazione di una selezione dell’opera di Depero, sulla figura di un artista che, tra gli altri futuristi ha forse interpretato, per certi aspetti, con una particolarità personalissima le indicazioni del movimento stesso e che è l’autore di icone visive che, con la conversione nella grafica pubblicitaria, sono diventate patrimonio della memoria visiva del ‘900.
Classificato nel secondo futurismo da Enrico Crispolti negli anni Cinquanta, in questa mostra, Fortunato Depero viene presentato attraverso una scelta di opere provenienti dal Mart di Rovereto (Casa d’Arte Futurista Depero) datate nel ventennio tra la metà degli anni Trenta e la metà degli anni Cinquanta, and some other significant works that supplied, covering different years testifying in a nutshell some distinctive features compared to the themes of the artist, genre and technique.
In this respect the choice of works by Depero contribute to solicit a stimulus for renewed interest in the collection present in the House Depero in Rovereto.
This, according to Professor. Stefano Tonti (project manager of CART), in order to give body to the constitutive idea of \u200b\u200bthe Centre as a place of unique educational promotion of contemporary knowledge, which will operate in synergy and in collaboration with specific art collections, museums and Civic Art Gallery (in this case with the Mart in Rovereto) as a reference to the same body, to give a good reason and a sense of structure to be spent without claiming to replace the institutions much more important and historical.

In order to this more general pedagogical prerogative of the Centre, the opening day, is inserted into the presentation of the book The Paradox of Collalto (images Pozzati Concept) Mark Dallari known educator and author of essays on 'argument, which in the past has also touched on teaching reading of the opera "The Jugglers" Fortunato Depero.

FUTURDEPERO The exhibition is accompanied by the Video Re-opening of "House of Art Futurist Depero (MartRovereto, January 14, 2009) interviews with Gabriella Belli, director of the Mart, and the architect Renato Rizzi, who designed the restoration project.


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