Monday, May 31, 2010

Pier One Locations Near Walden Galleria, Buffalo

FuturDepero - One aspect of the second

Saturday, June 5 18:00 during the afternoons of Art, at the CART Falconara Marittima
Silvia Cuppini and Stefano Tonti opened the exhibition: "FUTURDEPERO - an aspect of the Second Futurism .

In the event Dallari Mark will present his book The Paradox of Collalto.

On the occasion of the centenary of the publication of the Manifesto of Futurist Painting took the limelight of Politeama Chiarella in Turin, the CART - Center for Documentation of Contemporary Art in Falconara M . (AN), in the context of its exhibitions for 2010, sought to schedule a show dedicated to Fortunato Depero entitled "FUTURDEPERO - A SECOND ASPECT OF THE FUTURE".
In particular we want to draw attention to the pubblico, attraverso la presentazione di una selezione dell’opera di Depero, sulla figura di un artista che, tra gli altri futuristi ha forse interpretato, per certi aspetti, con una particolarità personalissima le indicazioni del movimento stesso e che è l’autore di icone visive che, con la conversione nella grafica pubblicitaria, sono diventate patrimonio della memoria visiva del ‘900.
Classificato nel secondo futurismo da Enrico Crispolti negli anni Cinquanta, in questa mostra, Fortunato Depero viene presentato attraverso una scelta di opere provenienti dal Mart di Rovereto (Casa d’Arte Futurista Depero) datate nel ventennio tra la metà degli anni Trenta e la metà degli anni Cinquanta, and some other significant works that supplied, covering different years testifying in a nutshell some distinctive features compared to the themes of the artist, genre and technique.
In this respect the choice of works by Depero contribute to solicit a stimulus for renewed interest in the collection present in the House Depero in Rovereto.
This, according to Professor. Stefano Tonti (project manager of CART), in order to give body to the constitutive idea of \u200b\u200bthe Centre as a place of unique educational promotion of contemporary knowledge, which will operate in synergy and in collaboration with specific art collections, museums and Civic Art Gallery (in this case with the Mart in Rovereto) as a reference to the same body, to give a good reason and a sense of structure to be spent without claiming to replace the institutions much more important and historical.

In order to this more general pedagogical prerogative of the Centre, the opening day, is inserted into the presentation of the book The Paradox of Collalto (images Pozzati Concept) Mark Dallari known educator and author of essays on 'argument, which in the past has also touched on teaching reading of the opera "The Jugglers" Fortunato Depero.

FUTURDEPERO The exhibition is accompanied by the Video Re-opening of "House of Art Futurist Depero (MartRovereto, January 14, 2009) interviews with Gabriella Belli, director of the Mart, and the architect Renato Rizzi, who designed the restoration project.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Foto De Troy Dehais Coolmusical

Simple Together

Ci sono canzoni che non vorresti mai divenissero la colonna sonora della your day - or your white night.
time, the words I have given me a better voice, and came to my stomach tightening the knot.

Then gaze falls on a beautiful red gerbera petal laid on the table: designing and dreaming is the most beautiful and painful it is in our power.
A hole on a node on a hole and a bit 'of coffee. The sadness of a cup of coffee is not empty and unused.

I just woke up and already I can not take more than this alone.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ethics And Fair Trade

Bilan 5x2

ce post, il faut que ça soit en français.

Je regarde but promo souriante and united before the Department of Anatomy for pictures of the last day of course, the final photo of the 6 years of sweat and fatigue. I see them happy in sunny Florence, all waiting for the defense of the dissertation, all ready to be a doctor in a few months. I can not help but smile.

A year ago, I felt somewhere in me of jealousy for what they are doing and that I will do that in a year. A year ago, my choice was not so simple, not so obvious as it is now.
Choosing not keep pace with other works for me, always first, always at the top, do not come easy. Must say that I learned to accept being average, or below, for soon my course of study: a steam train from the TGV.

Intensify is a bit loose, the breakup is, that's it. It is important not to!

Only after I made my choice to intensify, more difficult choices in relation to the return of Bolivia or quit skating, that I felt relieved. Relief as I felt no more since the drives thoroughly on ice, when I came out full of blue everywhere and I was motivated to go to work Kant.

Then I left for France. And that's when I finally discovered that what seemed an insult to my father (who was frankly pleased by cons), that the whole family blamed me, proved to be a gift for my future patients. And, surprise surprise, my patients for the present. -Because I would have never thought to establishing the link between knowledge and know-how already at age 23. But things are slowly, and everything had its reason be the first time I asked the bisturí the time of my first incision.

Being demanding with myself, so meticulous, that's it my fifth time two. It's things that I never made elsewhere, that the people I met here is all that fills the pockets of every coat that I put in my life. It is this language that deceives people with me when I speak. It is this city that saw me grow more than Florence could never, and who showed me that my future can really be anywhere.

So there, then I look at my promo photo, I look at all those soon-to-be-doctors, some I would trust someone in my family with no worries, the majority of other not even a nail encharnée. I watch them, but I feel I really missed anything.

The steam train has no regrets.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Vocab Level C Unit 8 Answers

Futurism Futurism Unpublished, portraits hidden " Afternoons

Saturday May 15 18:00 during the afternoons of Art, at the CART Falconara Marittima
Stefano Papetti present: Futurism UNKNOWN, The hidden portrait .

followed by critical intervention on the exhibition "Muniz in Paris"

Unpublished Futurism - The portraits hidden is the catalog of the exhibition presented at the Palace of the Captains in Ascoli Piceno until April 2010 that it was a split route that, surprisingly, almost mysteriously, remained hidden until now to even more Connoisseurs of futurism.
The catalog presents works by Cleto Capponi, Ivo Pannaggi, Sante Muniz, Gerardo Dottori and Giacomo Balla. Fifty works, including more than 30 designs of the early thirties, owned by Cleto Capponi, artist born in Ascoli, and represent the irreverent portraits of celebrities of the time. Essential features are the sharp and sudden carved (do not forget Cleto that Capponi is also a sculptor) and high intensity of expression and introspective.

occasion there is a critical task of the curators of the exhibition "Muniz Sante in Paris", in progress at the paper until May 23, 2010, and the opportunity to visit the collection of contemporary art in the museum.

Stefano Papetti
Historian and art critic, is Professor of Museology at the University of Camerino. Director of the Municipal Collections of Ascoli Piceno, is the author of essays and articles on art from the fourteenth to the nineteenth century Marche., In prestigious journals ("Comparison", "News from the Palazzo Albani", "FMR") and has participated in the making of numerous publications relative ad alcuni aspetti poco conosciuti dell'arte marchigiana, con particolare riguardo all'iconografia sacra.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Purpose Of Anniversary

In occasione della manifestazione "La Primavera prende forma - Arte, Musica, Letteratura", presso Palazzo Pergoli a Falconara M. (An) dal 7 maggio al 5 giugno 2010, ci è gradito informare della prima iniziativa in calendario prevista per venerdì 7 maggio 2010 alle ore 18.

Presentazione del libro d'arte Faccia d'artista di Vincenzo Izzo, Edizioni Artemisia
Introduzione del prof. Stefano Tonti (responsabile Scientific Documentation Center of Contemporary Art in Falconara M.)
Speech by George Marinelli (Photographer)