Saturday, August 30, 2008

How To Ask For Wedding Contributions

diario degli allievi...

CARAMEL: 18.08.08 - End of the day Much less rdm (recitation of m. ..) The magical feeling of always being constantly in contact with the discovery. It is not easy, it is not cloying or fake. So much so ... altercation. A huge burning above the stomach. The awareness in saying I was right. Questions questions concerns? Continuously. And frankly, not everyone is eager to answer. Contact. Inexhaustible. And just for today. ps. Tomorrow shivering yet? ps.2 will be fine, fine. I'm home. The changing housing inhabitant of my hearing is fine. Good night. Ah, right! From 0 to 10? I suppose a 9! We are still enough. ALESSIO: THREE TO A hidden paradise. This is the first time I participate a stage play. The ability to compare with their children also pushed by the need to do theater fascinates me. I did not expect to be in complete sincerity so few participants, three. It is a number that you expect to find an internship, it seems more than being with the family and I would not mind at all, if we consider that you have more time to work on yourself with the teacher. The place is wonderful then, there's everything you could want, sun sea ... e. .. a good dose of calm. I guess the three of us to a hidden paradise guided by an imaginary map: our thirst for drama. We have just breathed in the smell of the salt sea and our air tutta ne ha già contaminato i polmoni e ora è un vizio che non puoi smettere. Sulle tracce dell'attore: ovvero conosci te stesso, ed il primo passo è stato il nostro scheletro (metaforicamente) . Abbiamo svolto un esercizio di concentrazione ed immaginazione. Si basava sul voler stimolare unicamente singole parti del nostro corpo, cercando di non disperdere energia ma focalizzando la nostra concentrazione su unici movimenti ben precisi che il corpo muscolarmente non è più portato a compiere. Sarà un esercizio che ripeteremo più volte oltre l'uso dell'immaginazione. Il lavoro è appena cominciato e c'è già, chi esausto dorme sull'amaca.

ore 00,44
Il pomeriggio del 18 is started at the beach, abandoning - led by the teacher - in the first year of the Linklater method. And for the first time I had the perception of total and full control of my body, paradoxically relaxed! I think I've pretty much tested the concept of the predicate (in this case sostenibilissima) lightness of being! Or maybe that was not the first time because I had the sensation of floating in the air like a fetus in its amniotic fluid. But it all took place with the absolute power of management of my movements! Maybe because I like the baby in my belly I felt protected ... habitat in my - in my case the sea - .... that's cool!


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