Saturday, August 30, 2008

How Do They Measure The Vertical Jump In The Nfl

considerazioni personali...

PREAMBLE Forget that what follows is a theatrical writing for twenty years with twenty years of varied experience of teaching acting, and almost as much experience on stage - as an author, actor, as director ... Here are reborn. Or is born. It must have been the fault of the sand or sea, the taste will have been true and immense that we face but honestly I do not know and I would not tell you my impressions as an arid teacher who has scored the behaviors and attitudes of their fellow travel. It will not be a diary. And I'm not Ackab. No whale to catch. We really shared all of the findings and I rediscovered the feeling again whenever there is half of the theater. In twenty years of activity I have always tried to live and die with each new experience. At the bottom is the meaning of our profession. The curtain rises, the curtain closes. Also new, every night. I said, I've been looking for. I could not always do it ... and often through no fault of mine. Here was the sea ... Must be different. It was. Those that follow will be the words and thoughts of a child who discovers a new game. I wish it were always this way ... for everyone: students and teachers, not just for the theater. THE
did not know where we'd arrived. But we started. There was a beginning. You could not see the end. I do not see never before. Our meeting, travel, exchange, collaboration, confidence, path, an oasis of the soul ... was an experiment and all experiments were as liable to failure, error, incorrect assessment. It was an attempt ... a try-on. Now a few days after its conclusion, the memories no longer hot and handsome without the emotional charge of the event - not in terms of good looks ... throw the money and maybe there would be no need. We all of us - students and faculty - touched the beautiful. It was enough to drag us from sand and sea, the breeze of the afternoon and follow the setting sun. It was simple. He was there. It was enough to breathe. I am therefore I am. Fold all the logic of philosophical thought. Non cogito ... no thought, no deed ... no questions, they are therefore I am. Exist, breathe, exist. The stage was built upon the work of the great theatrical techniques of the twentieth century and in particular the work of a great natural voice as a scholar Kristin Linklater. But it was not the study of a method - it would have been meritorious. It was a crossover study with other methods - twenty years of personal studies was something they must serve - to chase and try to be yourself. On the trail of themselves: this was our investigation. No make-up stage or techniques to improve immediately. The acting is a strange job: it looks complicated, yet simple. A complex simplicity. The error is that maybe is not a job, even if the newspaper every day makes you live it as such. It is staged here, you go on stage ... memory ... studied the scene ... light must be right. Run. The room is full ... no ... yet there is room. How many paying? Few. Subscribe? Yes People want to laugh do not want to be thinking. Practical thoughts for a trade practice that is not a job. The significance of action of the actor: actions, then practice. No. Shares, then breath. Then breath essence, life, nature, natural. Acting is like breathing ... be natural. Yet we complicate life. We are good human beings in this. What was to serve this stage? A then nothing at all. But we human beings we are limited practical and reliable answers to certain questions. Immediacy. Concreteness. Goals, feedback ... It's been ages, but never grow up, victims of a time that we follow. These must not be used to tell my stage, they could not: the word is reductive. They are simple impressions ... as photos which give moments. We have worked well. The results ... everyone will find them one day, if you would continue to carry in your pocket the sand on which we rested our feet in the days of Roccazzelle.


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