Friday, March 11, 2011

Heartworms And Paratox

Show Gubinelli Paolo and Tonino Guerra - Works on paper

It opens with an exhibition of works on paper by Paul Gubinelli Tonino Guerra and the location of exhibitions in 2011 at the CART Falconara Marittima (An).
The exhibition of these precious cards of the two artists, linked by their friendship besides poetic interpretation of everyday life through the tools of art, the open interest around an unusual reflection of the artistic outcome of our present day with the choice of works that stand apart from the most often known or easy access permitted by the painting itself. The two authors, which oscillate between abstract and figurative (although in every shape style is never quite completely declared), offer compelling enough stimuli for approach and a full enjoyment of art.

Paul Gubinelli. Born in Matelica (MC) in 1945, lives and works in Florence.
In his artistic work has gone very early maturing, after experiments with painting on canvas or material and non-traditional methods of running, a keen interest in the "paper", felt as the most congenial of artistic expression: a first step work on white paper, soft to the touch, with a particular receptivity to light, recorded with a knife, according to geometric structures that sensitizes the game manually bending of light along the engravings.
In a second step, replace the white paper, transparent paper, also engraved and bent, or sheets, which are arranged in the progressive rhythmic - dynamic, or rolls that are carried out as papyrus on which the very slight incisions to the limits of perception become signs of a non-verbal poetry.
In the most recent artistic experience, always on transparent paper, the geometric sign, with the strict construction is abandoned for a freer expression that translates, through the use of crayons and barely noticeable incisions, the free movement of the unpredictable consciousness in a whole lyrical interpretation of music.
Today this language is enriched card watercolor tones and gestures when you buy a more intimate density of meaning.
He made ceramic white and color with engraved signs and raised in a space opera - poetic.

Tonino Guerra, a poet and writer known throughout the world, was born in Santarcangelo di Romagna 16 March 1920.
In the early 50s he moved to Rome where he starts his dazzling career as a writer. It remains the capital until 1984 when he returned to Romagna. After a brief spell in his native city chooses as home Pennabilli in Montefeltro.
Master Elementary, in 1943, during World War II was deported to Germany.
After the Liberation he graduated in Pedagogy from the University of Urbino (1946), with a thesis on the oral dialect poetry. He read his poems to Charles Bo. Obtained positive results, decided to publish, at his expense. The collection is titled The doodles (The scribbles), Bo he signed the preface.
Become a member of a group of poets, "And Circal de giudeizi" (The circle of wisdom), which also belong Raffaello Baldini and Nino Pedretti.
dates back to 1952's debut as a prose writer with a short novel, The history of Fortunato. In 1953 he moved to Rome, where start a successful business writer. In his long career he has worked with some of the most important Italian time (Federico Fellini, Michelangelo Antonioni, Francesco Rosi and the Taviani brothers, etc.).. The collaboration with director Antonioni Ferrara,'s reach also nominated for an Oscar in 1967 for the film Blow-Up.
In the eighties back to Romagna. Since 1989 lives and works in Pennabilli, the center of Montefeltro, who awarded him an honorary citizen in recognition of the love shown towards this area.
here has given rise to numerous art installations. These permanent exhibitions that take their name from the place of the soul including: The Garden of Forgotten Fruits, The Refuge of the abandoned Madonnas, The Road of sundials, The Shrine of the thoughts, the angel with a mustache, The Garden petrified.
One of his art installation, "The tree of memory", is also present in Forlì, at the Giardini Orselli.
War became known to the general public in 2001, as a witness in the chain of electronics stores UniEuro, creating optimism for the smash, taken among others by his fellow countryman, and great-grandson, Fabio De Luigi in his comic character, Engineer Dog.
literary One of the most controversial cases of recent times is titled "Tonino Guerra wants to kill me", di Antonio Bigini.
Nel 2010, in occasione dei suoi 90 anni, riceve il David di Donatello alla carriera.
Il 10 novembre 2010 è stato insignito dall'Università di Bologna del Sigillum Magnum.
È il padre del noto compositore di musiche per film e sceneggiati Andrea Guerra.

opere su carta
a cura di Luigi Paolo Finizio e Stefano Tonti
13 Marzo - 17 Aprile 2011
Inaugurazione domenica 13 marzo 2011 ore 17.30

in collaborazione con
Ministero Beni Culturali ed Ambientali

Martedì e Giovedì 9.30 - 18.30
Mercoledì 14.30 - 19.30
Venerdì 9.30 - 13.30.
Sabato e domenica 17.00 - 19.30
Gli altri giorni su prenotazione.

Visite guidate su prenotazione mostre e museo: gruppi € 2.50. Info: Artes 071.2814433. Info e prenotazioni: ufficio cultura - Comune di Falconara M. (An)071.9177522 - 526


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