Monday, July 28, 2008

A Hard Drive Or Floppy Disk Is Composed Of


Per cinque giorni, i partecipanti vivranno il lavoro dell'attore, attraverso un programma intensivo che include teoria e pratica, tecnica ed istinto, studio dei testi e letture. Dalle ore 6.30 del mattino alle 24.00, al gruppo di lavoro sarà richiesta grande concentrazione, impegno, costanza... ed una torcia. Uno studio totale per vivere una professione che è passione.

Lo stage è a numero chiuso. Max. 6 partecipanti. Proprio il numero esiguo di partecipanti permetterà lo sviluppo dello stage sia attraverso il lavoro collettivo che il lavoro del singolo. Verranno affrontate le tematiche dei grandi metodi del novecento teatrale through the use of body and voice. Here's the schedule: Stage
intensive - 18/22 August 2008 work program first day - August 18, 10:30 am arrival and accommodation; 11:30 am meeting with the teachers: an explanation of the methodologies, 12.00 programmable read-rated by the group; 13.30 pm lunch break, relax at 14.30, at 16.00 years of knowledge body and voice work on the character at 18.00 - theory and practice; dinner break at 21.00, at 22.00 and discuss the readings and study of texts assigned by the teachers; 24.00 conclusion of work.
second day - 19 August at 06.30 clock, 07.00 breathing exercises and coordination corporea; ore 08.30 pausa colazione; ore 09.30 esercizi secondo i metodi teatrali del novecento; ore 12.00 letture programmate; ore 13.30 pausa pranzo; ore 14.30 relax; ore 15.30 esercizi corpo e voce; ore 18.00 lavoro sul personaggio – teoria e pratica; ore 21.00 pausa cena; ore 22.00 letture programmate e commentate e studio di testi assegnati dai docenti;
ore 24.00 conclusione dei lavori.

terza giornata - 20 agosto
ore 06.30 sveglia ; ore 07.00 esercizi di respirazione e coordinazione corporea; ore 08.30 pausa colazione; ore 09.30 esercizi secondo i metodi teatrali del novecento; ore 12.00 letture programmate; ore 13.30 pausa pranzo; ore 14.30 relax; ore 15.30 esercizi corpo e voce; ore 18.00 lavoro sul character - the theory and practice; dinner break at 21.00, at 22.00 and discuss the readings and study of texts assigned by the teachers; 24.00 hours work is completed.
fourth day - 21 August at 06.30 clock, 07.00 breathing exercises and body coordination; 08.30 Lunch break, 09.30 years according to the methods of the twentieth century drama, readings scheduled at 12.00, 13.30 lunch, 14.30 relaxation hours 15:30 exercises body and voice work on the character at 18.00 - theory and practice; dinner break at 21.00, 22.00 programmable read-rated and study of texts assigned by the teachers; 24.00 hours work is completed.
fifth day - 22 August at 6:30 alarm, 07.00 am breathing exercises and body coordination; breakfast break at 08.30, at 09.30 years according to the methods of the twentieth century drama, readings scheduled at 12.00, lunch at 13.30, at 15.30 years body and voice work on the character at 18.00 - theory and practice; dinner break at 21.00, at 22.00 and discuss the readings and study of texts assigned by the teachers; 24.00 hours work is completed.
sixth day - Aug. 23 07:00 Alarm; 07.30 breakfast, 08.30 am start.
The program is subject to change.
To join or for more information contact via the blog or e-mail ( ) or tel. at 347.5768457.
you soon!


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