Thursday, December 17, 2009

Low-light Sd-camcorder

De Profundis

La sensazione confortevole del vestire un maglione che hai sformato tu. La profonda, ingestibile felicità del ritrovare quella stoffa così intima, e le mille domande che riaffiorano quando lo indossi per pochi secondi... e ti chiedi perchè mai l'hai regalato a qualcun altro.

Monday, December 14, 2009

How Do You Get Rid Of Simple Goiter


I bilanci si fanno ogni giorno", diceva ieri mio padre nel giorno della sua 55esima candelina, ed è una cosa da persona saggia.
Dallo scorso 14 dicembre sono evolute molte cose, molte si sono aggiunte e solo qualcuna è sbiadita. Le persone che hanno popolato le mie giornate in Francia popolano adesso half of Europe, my memories and my FB profile.
friendship has evolved slowly and fantasy, becoming what they've been holding: the certainty that it was not a masked amorucolo but really something great in the making. Even when I was the only one to believe, the only one to have certainty, to costruirsele. But life becomes so great.
The added value of this is that I know I'm capable of doing by concrete pylon at times when I would not be, when everything around them falls apart and I let go too. Of the gifts is not easy to manage well does not ever thank Heaven.

In general, however, the picture that comes out of these 12 months (18 aircraft taken approximately 10 test data, 9 months of Erasmus, 7-8 pounds lost 6 months of the investment that is harder, I stayed in 5 States, 2 hyper-roommates, a happy family) is a continuous light, built and kept burning in spite of their stubborn when I felt like a candle in the wind.

probably the first words that I utter at midnight will have to deal with some disgusting skin disease, but will be given to people who love me and there is always room for tea, coffee and laughter.
Because no place is away until you're not allow it to have at least a hundred people who hug me at midnight.

Ale, Bea e 895820757575839 trilioni di calorie condensate in una torta buonissima

And who knows what I'll have time to combine the first quarter of a century.