Sunday, August 30, 2009

Are Combi Boilers Reliable

La vie en violet - a year in Erasmus

No word is the right one to begin with, but this time I'll make a little picky.

I return from one year to annealing, still confused, still trying to catch his breath.
game I was convinced to write only, and France, however, this has also deleted something, or my habit of giving things for granted. To assume that everything will be fine for strength. This kind of growth does not come for free: Learn how to conquer everything outpost to outpost me the serenity empty set by default in my brain.
I put the bags in my room on campus anchored to a vision en rose all. When I started calling with the correct name (niche), the hitherto small chouette chambre, lì ho capito che qualcosa stava cambiando. Che io stavo cambiando.
I francesi non sono tipicamente stronzi, sono stronzi e basta. Il primo mese non capisci niente quindi ti rodi il fegato e non puoi nemmeno rispondere. Il gusto buonissimo delle sfuriate en langue dei mesi successivi non ha prezzo... e parlo sia di quelle fatte - segreteria studenti, specializzandi, studenti di secondo anno, ferrista- che di quelle incassate -neo strutturato di pneumologia, ferrista.
The hospital life was the main dream of the year, two months at a time: Pneumo difficult beginning, superlative Cardiac Surgery, prosciugante ER, relaxing Plastic Surgery. Almost forgot, the smezzato blue dress just put it in that you feel more sexy lingerie lace was worth the whole Erasmus.
exams ... the worst nightmare. The Erasmus of Medicine there are more responsibilities as other students, but some law less. Had this been known at the beginning there would be organized differently.

If it were not for people who have beaten the streets, quais and c rêperies of Toulouse with me this year would have been a living hell.
The names are those that live in the photos that fill hard-disk and FB profile, some actually written in bold: Robert, Esther, Valentina, Maria, Sancho, Clem, Dodji. And Sebastien, Alberto, Clarisse, Silvain. Alessandra, the My companion for adventure and new roommate. And Andrew, my bet most unexpected and great.
Without them, it would be a year of woe.
Grim, despite Toulouse alone I have stolen a corner of the heart and keep it with him, in the narrow streets scented flowers in the flower beds, in quiet cafe in the flags of the Capitole, the Church of Dominicains, in the rooms the CCU, in lines and subway stops - Pharmacie, Carmes, Patte d'Oie and Roseraie. In the operating rooms of Cardio.

Il 1° ottobre dello scorso anno scrivevo:

P er me, che non cercavo il Paese di Bengodi ma volevo inventarmi un modo per crescere come medico, questa Francia va infilata come un camice. All'inizio vai in giro tronfio, poi per buona parte del tempo ti chiedi come si porti addosso. Arriverà il momento in cui questo camice sarà una seconda pelle.
Questo Erasmus ha un sapore molto meno festaiolo di quello che leggo nelle mail che mi arrivano ogni giorno dalla Spagna. Ma lo sapevo, e va benissimo così.
here ... here's my challenge, and I will not leave the arena until I won, how difficult it is.

are allocated from the arena Friday, exhausted and with a lot of stress for disposal. But, gentlemen, I won. And in retrospect, the effort and the memories of that then I was not at all obvious.
The cool thing about it is that I will not let anything less strong only dare to think I could break down.

Sunday, August 9, 2009
