Sunday, December 28, 2008

Taking Epilator On Planes


E. .. while the working group - five daring - for winter is preparing to stage full immersion that awaits them from day 3 ... and while some projects are waiting for the go-go ... and while new works are beginning to emerge from the white paper and waiting for the necessary evolution of creativity ... we like to close the year 2008, particularly - which will undoubtedly leave its mark on the artistic future of the undersigned (the birth Group icarus, the return to writing and planning of several major projects ...) with eyes in the past. Becomes necessary in times of change remember what you've done or that has been said. Here are some excerpts from the first show written and directed by me. Waiting for new ... our (Kathy and my) most sincere Happy New Year.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

420 Sailboat Parts Diagram

dalle parole alle azioni

Here is the schedule of the new intensive workshop organized by the cultural and theatrical ICARUS GROUP of Catania. The internship provides for a maximum of six people. PROGRAM January 2, 2009 at 19:30 - arrival at GELA 20.30 - lodging accommodation in at 21.30 - 23.00 Dinner - programmatic discussion with teachers. PROGRAM days 3,4,5,6 January 2009 07.00 07.30 breakfast alarm exercises 09.00 08.00 10.00 study theoretical texts on practical exercises on texts 11.00 12.30 13.30 lunch break and short rest at 16.00 hours study texts 17:00 testing texts break 19.30 20.30 21.30 dinner watching video material study and discussion with teachers at 23.30 end of the workday PROGRAM January 7, 2009 07.00 07.30 clock breakfast starting at 09.30. themes days DAY 1: Constraints and Freedom (shyness, modesty and apparent serenity) DAY 2: appearance and substance (critical reading and content) Day 3: Dialogue with the character (methods and techniques) Day 4: Working on the work of the actor and spectator (the study and communication) NOTE: Times and programs are subject to change Each student can choose if the texts to work on. The participation fee is € 200.00 and includes the cost of meals and lodging for the duration of the internship. Those interested can contact the association at the following addresses - \u200b\u200b347.5768457