Friday, September 5, 2008

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riflettori e riflessioni...

... while ending the commitments of summer and prepare for the winter season, surrounded by projects, contacts and new writings ... my mind argues with itself ... for the truth I have been in post-stage pen some thoughts and I look forward to catapult on the blog.

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And while the mind and heart are still pictures of the stage by the sea ... hound here that the new work commitments ... ONE: After its debut in June in the first national took place at the cloister of the Institute for the Blind "Ardizzone Gioeni" back stage adaptation of "A Chorus Line" musical cult of the seventies. Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at 21:00 at the Port of Aci Trezza, "ONE" produced by the International Academy of Musical Catania, directed and choreographed by ANTONIO CARUSO DARIO CONTI. On stage during the first graduates of the academy.
For now, I stress the appointment ... worth seeing. Other considerations in the coming days.
Another event on 13 and 14 September, FROM YOUR MY, text by Giovanni Verga with the reworking of Giorgia Villa. That this operation is carried out nell'ambito di una interessante rassegna di spettacoli sul tema delle miniere dal comune di Caltanissetta. Nella foto trovate l'intero programma. Anche di questo spettacolo parleremo più avanti. Vi sottolineo l'evento perché DAL TUO AL MIO vede tra gli altri protagonisti il sottoscritto e Donatella.

A presto.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Best Cookware Flat Top Stove

ultime note dal diario degli allievi...


CARMELO: Fine giornata
Questo pensiero d'improvviso mi scuote e annienta ogni pudore ed ogni difesa. Avevo soffocato quella stupida attitudine ai voli pindarici e dalle poignant heroic expectations, and this lack of oxygen to survive despite the treacherous currents arrive ... at the bottom of the abyss, ancient beauty of an underwater world for thousands of years. Stupidly I feared the immense beauty and ruthless, the depth of your eyes. This thought makes sweet awakening uncomfortable lethargy, the usual laziness. Fragrances revive extinct enchanting sunsets, the great hopes swept away by the wrath of the oceans in the storm. Surrounded by a marvelous atmosphere Atlantis smiles and turns a friendly gaze. At the bottom of the abyss, ancient beauty of an underwater world for thousands of years. Stupidly I feared the immense depth and ruthless beauty of your eyes ... (Carmen Consoli - the smile of Atlantis).
ALESSIO: small steps today I did a little self-examination on personal development, personal growth or better, which is taking me on this course. Assuming that my metabolism, I noticed, is moderately slow, even if they are not always a good listener arriving into action, but I am happy with how the internship is working on me. I believe I'm doing important steps, I feel that I'm slowly releasing. Small steps I walk away from what was first, like a piece of something, or clay or marble, apparently under a rock, but apparently immodellabile power in place will turn into a creation beautiful, a beauty is not objective and subjective.
VALERIA: ore 13.13. Assuming that the smell has always been my most developed sense is not easy to describe the memories and reflections on yesterday ... because magister wife - aka Kathy - it is pointedly causing the stove while it is grappling with its burgers meat and vegetables! So right now my mind is clouded, even diverted to more earthly feelings and animal (considering that time is what it is and the consequence is the physiological low blood sugar ...)! But considering that the actor feeds only on theater - Ppi cchissu is' a family - I can not give in to lustful enticements of the throat and leave, so my "zen state of bliss," of course after so much work and effort so great these days ... step into the kitchen could expect Virgil (but in that case, I would not have a reputation for posterity ... but Dante from hunger and that's it). So I went out into the garden to not fall into temptation and you doing the mea culpa of my sin. Here I just found my spirit ... ... be safe! Beatrice because I see the horizon! ... Oh God, I'm delirious with hunger! It reminds me of Donatella right way, pointing the way to Heaven ... er, that is, I meant the dining room, and inviting them to part in the Last Supper ... So, sorry I left for a bit '... I go to atone for my fault ... See you later! 'I'm back to "purified by penance received (the zen-burger) but not yet in my spiritual dimension (the beach-zen). In fact we are still in the garden because Big Chief Master Guru-Caruso was stubborn to want to take the chair to complete my thoughts. What a great help as he has already entered into a deep Zen meditation, lying comfortably on the hammock, just in front of me (to check of course) ... there it is! He reached the Karma! He opens his mouth emitting strange sounds ... is the whistle (although in this case is a real whistle provided dall'espirazione Linklater. Turns out his arms towards the sky ... but always be ready, watchful as soon as I dare to rebel (because I want to go to the beach, uffa !!!!) You should see it: it has just the features of Minos ... But a heavenly as Minos eventually succumbed to my whims and took us to the beach (which has become our place of worship)! But back to yesterday (finally), after applying the first two commandments Linklater we continued to third on the contrary, the second is diaphragmatic breathing. Although now more than three years I can not breathe with the diaphragm, which otherwise, I never stopped to see and control the movement of the muscle ... in silence! Well, the beauty of Link la sua flessibilità; non si cristallizza in una forma ma si avvale di diverse modalità per arrivare allo stesso obiettivo: il dominio di corpo, sensi ed emozioni...
Eh, brava, Link!

ALESSIO: questo giorno e poi...
questo giorno e poi...subito verrebbe di pensare a chissa! Il dubbio di cosa faremo ora, se avremo realmente il coraggio di agire, di andare avanti, di lanciarci; ma dopo quel “e poi” c'è tanto altro. Quello che ho capito è che bisogna andare sempre oltre quello che la razionalità ci induce a pensare, a vedere; e allora ecco che la frase ... questo giorno e poi... può essere completata in mille altri modi, ognuno diverso ma mai sbagliato, proprio because life is unpredictable and different in every circumstance. We end with the awareness that this is only the beginning of something that everybody then decide to grow in its own way (me from my I just hope that does not die) ... I remember the stupid little phrase that often seep into our discussions : I stole something? I did not win anything ... Instead we won something, bringing within us, new emotions, new friendships, new experiences, but especially a new vision of the same sunset, new stars in a sky of a thousand colors radiated by the same identical sun.
ALESSIO: Between the desert and grasslands, a man was tired and hungry, in the distance of the huts and a tribe and a sorcerer from the bottom looking up: <<>> Be careful not to go <<>> of NO! He smiles and says <<>> , the other stones in the notes about his business: <<>>. Hearing these words, the man stood up, not down, but enlightened. the footsteps of actor for me was discovering what was really true in my intentions, what I will continue but the road. My shaman showed me the way, maybe not that INTED, I was looking for: certainty. His task was not to give us certainty, but rather to stimulate in us the real reason that we had pushed to make this journey. He turned me into a flashlight, a small fire, small but big enough to show me the tracks to follow. The way forward, however, is not easy, just like footprints in the sand due to wind and waves can be easily covered or worse swept away ... What kind of actor I want to be? An actor in "holy", trying to put forward the dignity that this position requires not only a job but a lot more.
CARAMEL: I was looking for answers. I left with broken bones. Not only physically but also metaphorically. Conceptually speaking, I had the strong feeling of discovering that the idea of \u200b\u200btheater is very innata nell’uomo. E’ la psicologia dell’arte, della conoscenza e della passione. E con quest’ultima non intendo la passione intesa come base dell’hobby ma proprio passione di quella carnale. La voglia insaziabile di arrivare fino all’osso in tutto quello che si sta facendo: dal leggere un testo al provare a scriverne uno; dal conoscere la gente che di questo mestiere non si stancherebbe nemmeno se gli crollasse la via lattea addosso al provare a capire cosa ci farei io, per primo, su di un palcoscenico. Metteteci anche l’ebbrezza del silenzio a teatro, del buio, della luce, del nero, dell’odore che tutti i teatri sanno di avere.
E’ un po’ come essere Peter Pan essendo coscienti di esserlo!
C’è a trace: a project to follow. A project that brings people closer to their humanity. It 's like when you learn to do to tie the knot: you want to do it every day because they do not want to forget. The theater is all I ever dreamed. And 'no magic trick: the rabbit of the hat! Surprise! The identity that each of us can give the theater depends on the type of person, the blood type, the type of context and the type of philosophy. But who wants to do theater (I want to do theater!) Must be an extraordinary person, in the strictly etymological sense of the word: out of order! Not to be weird knowing of it. It must be the norm with arms, hair and eyes. Must be alive! But above all it must lead to limit the objectivity of himself! Check in to the concept. It would be a convenient example. I would use an example to make you understand the meaning of the phrase "take to the limit of objectivity itself," but I would not be objective. I would be "comfort" does not explain what it means, I explain what I mean. It 'difficult but basically is this: the objective is that we miss so much today. Can we be anything but objective, but objectively, who can blame us? We have lived behind that one can never remove, alter or modify. In this we are works of art. But objectivity triggers another big word: balance. Actor in a scene moves, it acts. At the same time if you do not want to risk being hibernated between the character he is playing, the experience he has in mind and the emotions in his heart to be objective. Otherwise the viewer will have no way, albeit unconsciously, to go beyond its sphere sensory'll see a cluster of movements and words dictated by the experience of a man like him who lives and emotions just like him. Instead the viewer if they really want to applaud him because he went over his emotions, he went beyond the experience of that character. E 'come to the center of the earth. Here there is hot, feels alone and is completely naked in front of what is unknown, does not understand. Then it becomes something else. He realizes that there is much more than a nervous system, of a heart, a good number of muscles and bones. Goes further: it may also reduce the time and by a defeat death, but it's still a man. We were not born for ourselves. We communicate, we love, we share. So, there again, at the center of the earth, the viewer is no longer able to watch the movements or to hear the words ... more experiences the most immediate sense but also the most disparaged: the touch. It is to clap. Returning to reality feels serenely happy. Amazed because he understood what lies beneath the surface. Everything has a new flavor, a new color. And the actor? The actor if it was really Actor knows everything. In fact it was he who opened the doors to the center of the earth. It's fine. He made it. He has little money, a family to give himself ... in short a life to live ... but at night, when even the last and the last owl owls went to sleep in his bed unable to laugh out loud. Why has it made. I agree there will always be wars, diseases? ever absence, fears and failures? as the sunrise. All right. But despite everything falls asleep deeply grateful to have been conceived on this earth. And believe me, is one of the few who can a farlo.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Bernoulli Principle Mountains

...e continua il diario degli allievi

CARMELO: primo pomeriggio SE NON SARO' ATTORE SARO' SABBIA. Parli ora o taccia per sempre. Io parlo eccome! Oggi ho deciso: voglio fare l'attore. Non sono bravo con le formalizzazioni ma se prima ero amante ora c'è lo spudorato bisogno di essere comandante! Oggi la sabbia mi ha portato in eremo, ho toccato il sole. Ero sole, ero pianta, ero rossore, ero sudore, ero cielo, ero sale, ero tutto. Allora eccolo il mio haiku: LA MIA CAPANNA IN SPRING AND 'TRUE There is no' there is nothing in 'ALL. I arrived at a solution: my hut. Why hut and not home? Why hut? Because the cabin is simple, straightforward, human anatomy: a support structure and a cluster of more things. Spring is the rebirth, the man in the midst of its most in seeking other, when? In spring, when something comes everywhere ... everywhere except on the sand. All this not because the sand is dry, but because the sand has it all. It has everything but not everything. Yes, I admit I need to sand. She has everything but all you do not get why the whole thing becomes. But to become everything I need to experience nothing. No nothing on but nothing. Experiment no. Be nothing to feel everything. It is true, my cabin in the spring ... has nothing inside. Behold, I stand out. I'm with the sand. I am everything. And fear makes a beast because it is not fiction. SPRING IN MY HUT IS IT TRUE there is nothing there ALL IN. I worked well. Maybe the cabin is only a hut, but today I do not care. I do not need that I care! I worked well and I can not hear everything! Come on! Work! I just started. Today, after almost 18 years I realized what a grain of sand. And I realize that life is not enough, at least not enough for me! But if it is true that the aforementioned Liga has not always fired "mincibuccate" it is true, quite rightly, that "you must go to make room! End of the day: from quarantine to the vaccine (balance and contrast) haiku of the poor ... the poor actors: THE ROAD TO SUNSET - CEMENT ARE - THERE 'THERE HOT' THE SHADOW - It 's just before dawn. NB. The legacy I want - I feel alien - my son ... - Do not mosquito! 5 days in Gethsemane! Baciobaciobaciobacio - was born! Black ribbon. Finale: I tried yesterday's vote. I had done well. I need the vote. The vow of chastity. ILLES promises to keep my dignity 'HUMAN never miss MY FREEDOM' THEATRE. ALESSIO: I am a mixture of Jekyll and Hyde? What is Jeckyll me? What is Hyde? I know this but if it is useful to unlock my creativity is blocked as I understand, "Coast"? How do I fully understand a character? If I have my limits, how can I cancel? Because it is not so straightforward? I'd like to curse ... let me scream! I want to scream ... I do not want to finish the stage and have not concluded anything, but I do not want this thing shot me down ... Of course if there was something that I find ... maybe it would be inducing! I do not like what I hear and I do not like how I feel. 20:08:08 CARAMEL: in the middle of a cold arena. I thought a lot and I came to a conclusion: I must stop drinking. Not that now is an alcoholic but its not even a drop. I need a healthy liver. Molti si sono arresi, in un modo o nell'altro hanno mollato ( e visti i risultati nel senso secretologico del termine) bene, io non sono molti. Io sarò ATTORE. A proposito del titolo invece: nel bel mezzo di un gelido inverno ha messo in luce quello che poi è uno dei temi molto ricorrenti in questi giorni: la scelta: Proseguire con l'anima e mettere quindi in conto la sofferenza, sperando che lasceremo una traccia indelebile e seria con gli altri o proseguire col portafogli sperando che passi la traccia seria che altri hanno lasciato su di noi! Fossi stato io il regista amletico? Avrei abbandonato la mia scena? Sarei salito su quell'aereo? Nel caso specifico del film no. Però una cosa la penso: salire sull'aereo significa abbandonare in qualche modo perdere la scommessa. Altre chiave di lettura? Fare soldi, salire sull'aereo con e per il teatro; attenzione! Non significa scappare... è un po' fare robin hood! È un equilibrio, molto molto vicino al compromesso. Ma se il fegato non ha cirrosi o metastasi, si arriva realmente in alto. Non riesco a trovare un motivo per cui dovrei fare l'attore, per cui farò l'attore, ma riesco a trovarne un miliardo per cui dovrei smettere. Arriva un momento in cui puoi fare quel passo in avanti e vivere per sempre o voltarti e andare indietro morendo nella vita. Potrei indietreggiare ma c'è un problema: mi piace troppo l'arena!
(Partenza ore 01.19 - intervallo in parte passato tra le braccia di morfeo - altro intervallo colazione più due capatine in bagno grazie ai miracolosi lassativi della sister magister alias anna caruso... arrivo, cioè fine delle mie riflessioni sulla giornata : ore 11.00 cioè l'indomani.)
...e finalmente stamattina 20.8 arrivammo al 2 step del metodo linklater...! l'ultimo passaggio richiesto dall'esercizio, cioè la riattivazione della respirazione primordiale pensavo potesse spiazzarmi (dato che io l'avevo già perduta): infatti duranti gli anni di studio di recitazione ma anche di canto, ho appreso che l'unico modo per poter immagazzinare e mantenere più aria nel corpo è respirare con il diaframma. Eppur Link (ormai la chiamo così dato che è diventata invisibile e onnipresente compagna di questa avventura) è riuscita a mettere in discussione le mie conoscenze: infatti anche con questo esercizio mi sono sentita libera da quella che ormai dopo anni è diventata una consuetudine ma inizialmente è stata una violenza: la respirazione diaframmatica, appunto. Respirando come suggerisce l'amica Link, invece (sempre attraverso la voce guida del Grande Guru – Maestro – Caruso) ascoltando il mio corpo (cioè percependo quando e se esigeva immettere o espellere aria) tutto avveniva naturalmente e in maniera “infantile”... senza forzature, senza reprimere (istinto dettato dal bisogno e senza tanti complimenti!...proprio come una bambina! Insomma non galleggio più nel mio liquido amniotico: sono già stata partorita e sto crescendo (un po' insolente e capricciosa, come ogni bambino nella prima infanzia che si rispetti... Nel pomeriggio, dopo l'abituale riscaldamento Link (ormai sempre più completo), diventando pianta da spiaggia, ho lasciato dominare tutti i miei movimenti dal vento (e che vento...!) non esercitando più alcun potere sul mio corpo, il mio busto penzolava guidato o meglio trascinato dal vento. Già, proprio io! La tora che non si piega e non si spezza! Infine il maestro ha fatto interagire me e i miei compagni di viaggio quali granelli di sabbia, relazionandoci col linguaggio appreso fino a quel momento individualmente, e quindi assecondando ognuno il proprio ritmo di risposta nella comunicazione con l'altro. Ah! la conclusione la STRA-STRA-CONOSCETE Yeah! ALESSIO: out of bed. Today I woke up in the company of a strange feeling of incompleteness. I hate it when it happens. Create in me negativity. Absurd ... I am positive that I want. Ok. Concentration ... let's take 10 seconds to break inspiraaa ... and .... espiraaa. Better. We wanted. Who knows what we will do this morning ... Well, now I understand that the Stage is based on the total spontaneity of the actor, research primordial instinct. Who knows how long it takes because I can act and not just think. I believe that my great power of reasoning has proved a double-edged sword. I feel like a swimmer must jump into the water at the time of a race. And there, in the battery, be aware of bravo, tutti lo danno per piega, le ginocchia piegate, la schiena verso il basso... solo che al momento del fischio di inizio incomincia a tastare l'acqua con le dita dei piedi come un anziano che paura dell'acqua fredda.
Mattina in spiaggia: ancora niente. Non capisco cosa sfugge. Proverò a farlo da solo per cercare di ottenere risultati.
L'ho provato...Si, finalmente l'ho provato. Ho percepito il mio spirito. Ero un quadro di Van Gogh, ero il suo cielo stellato, ero l'urlo di Munch, il tramonto di Monet. Ero la forza del Mosè, ero io, ero tutto, ero in tutto; ero il divenire delle stagioni, lo scorrere del tempo, l'infinito universo e il moto dei pianeti; ero il Sole, ero energia, ero tranquillità, I had peace, I was protecting my mother's womb was the love I was selfish ... I was generosity. The world gave me and I received, I spoke and I listened. I tried it, we tried it. I released my spirit and my being vibrated. I found my anything and nothing in my I found my everything. Now I know what it's like my haiku. So what are a man and a fly in a large living room, looking for a moment of peace. FLY HIGH THOUGHT Swaying A FEATHER FALLS IS LAYING ON A LIGHT rough seas PS: And finally I'm addicted too.